Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas 2013

The night before Christmas, dad was playing at a Lutheran service, so, grandma and I bundled up and drove over to see him play.

Dad did so well!  It sounded so pretty and the service was nice too!  I always love hearing dad play the harp!!

The next morning was finally Christmas!  Joel and Kate had bought and decorated a Christmas Fern, and all the presents were laid underneath with care.

I made everyone Rice heating bags.  Dad said "ok, do see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil"  Kate and Furax refused to play along:

Everyone got lots of fun presents, even the dog:

I got everything I asked for, and more!!

The worst present I got was a scarf (look how excited I am!!):

Nope, it was actually a present for Kate, so Joel snatched it back and gave it to the right person

The dog stayed close to dad the whole time (what a suck up)

Dad made an afghan for Grandma and Grandpa and was sad to see it go:

Kate got Joel an Xbox360!  In return he bought her a tablet computer

Joel also got a throwing ax from Jeff, that didn't throw very well

Mom got some things too

Lol this isn't even half of the pictures I took.  For the rest of the pics, you can check out my facebook photo album.

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