Friday, April 24, 2015

We obviously like steaks

Ever since I've started dating Stefan, we've been going out and doing a lot...SO...if I don't blog for a couple of weeks I end up with an overwhelming amount of stuff to blog.  Sigh.  Having a boyfriend is the worst ;)

A few weeks ago, Stefan and I went to see the movie Get Hard.

While we were waiting for the movie to start Stefan (being the awesome boyfriend that he is), noticed that my purse was falling apart.  Literally.  The faux leather on the outside was flaking off.  He said, let's go get you a new purse after the movie...AND HE DID!!!  Stefan seriously spoils me.  My one rule for a purse was:  It needs to be able to fit a book in it.  Stefan picked out a new wallet for himself while we were shopping.

Afterwards Stefan splurged and took me out to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse.  I got a DELISH salad while Stefan got the steak.  All the yums!!

Our next date was a lot more laid back.  We made went for a 2.5 mile walk, then came home to make dinner (steaks again), with broccoli.  I made a steak in a pan (bottom), while Stefan cooked one using the George Foreman grill (top):

We cut the steaks in half and we each got to try the different steaks.  Honestly, I liked Stefan's method of cooking the best (even though it was well done).  The plate with the most broccoli was mine:

Stefan and I had been working our way through the book the Giver.  After finishing it, and filling our bellies with steak, we watched the movie.  It wasn't bad, but we both liked the book much better (sorry dad).

For our most recent date, Stefan surprised me by taking me out to swings and things for mini golf.  It was fun, although I learned that I do not really enjoy it. Towards the end I was getting frustrated and had Stefan take my putts for me.  After that he played some ski-ball and won me these AWESOME BRACELETS!!
Stefan, later took the blue one to wear, so now we both have ski-ball bracelets <3

After min-golf, we came home and changed into fancy clothes, took a few selfies:

and jetted off to dinner.  It was actually a bit of a sad dinner.  Every Tuesday, Stefan meets at Amber Oaks to rehearse with Swing City.  Every Tuesday for 7 years, he would go to Amber Oaks.  He found out, the day before our date, that it was closing.  Stefan said, "I wanted my last memory of this place to be with you".  How sweet, yet sad :(

Can you guess what we ordered?  Yup, Steaks.

Tuesday last was super busy.  I had a "congrats, you graduated from MLIS program" event at Kent state.  I ran into my friend Danni and her girlfriend Tricia.  So much fun:

I then booked it over to Vosh to see my sweetheart play a Swing City gig.  All the swoons for my handsome boyfriend:

For yesterdays date, after all of the Steak we've been eating, we took a break, and made Chicken and broccoli (and rice for Stefan).  After dinner we watched the first Terminator.  It was awesome!

Believe it or not, I do stuff by myself too!  I went to the Oberlin Public Library booksale and bought so much awesomeness:

I'm also working on the couch to 5k program.  I just finished week 5, which means I jogged (really, really, REALLY slowly) for 20 min straight!!!!

Hopefully I'll be posting an exercise/weight loss blog in the next couple of weeks.

Next week is going to be sad as Stefan is practicing for an upcoming pit orchestra gig, so we won't have much time together.  My next blog will probably be selfies of me cuddling with books. Actually, that's probably what it will be.  Get excited!


  1. Those steaks are making me slobber! Jeannette, you're looking great. Love you.

    1. Delicious delicious steaks = weight loss . Thanks dad!

  2. I'm so PROUD of you for jogging for 20 minutes straight. You go, girl! Even if it was slow, that is AWESOME! Werk it! Also, hello???? when are we going to meet Stefan?

    1. Jaida. Hopefully we'll be out either June or's looking more like July 4th weekend. Don't'll meet him soon!!
