Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July Blog

At the end of our philly trip I had mom trim my hair.  I totally asked her to trim it too short and this happened:

It needed layers, so I got it professionally cut, but it's still a lot shorter than I would like.  Turns out, short hair is not my cup of tea.

After 7 months, I'm still head over heals for this guy:

Stefan and I reserved our reception hall.  Here's a picture of the location, with my handsome fiance and his beautiful mom:

After reserving the location, we went back to Stefan's parents house...WHERE WE SAW TURKEYS!!!!

I started my new job.  This was the view on my walk to orientation:

And here's an even better view of yours truely on orientation day:

Along with a lot of helpful information, I also received a spork at orientation!

The next day was my first day of actual work.  I, once again, just had to take a selfie:

For lunch, to celebrate the 2 new hires, we had a pot luck.  Someone even went to cook hamburgers and hot dogs.  It was amazing!!

That weekend, Stefan and I went to bed bath and beyond to setup our registry:

Towards the end of setting up the registry, it got weird.  Poor Stefan.  I pulled this Anna (from frozen) hat and made him wear it.  Stefan is such a good sport!!

I was so exhausted after setting up the registry that I asked Stefan if we could go out for lunch.  He, being amazing, took me to Harry Buffalo, and was even a little silly <3

After lunch we went to walmart to setup our registry.  I guess you can only do Walmart registry's online.  That was fine by me.  It was a lot easier to just search for, and add, what we needed to the registry. 

That evening, after we were all done registering for things,  I went to see Stefan in Barnum.  We got there a little early so we went out for coffee.  Giving Jnet coffee is obviously a poor choice.

Stefan was GREAT in Barnum...although you can see for yourself!!

Nothing much has been going on.  We're down to 3 months and 1 week until our wedding!

Since I had to pack stuff up while my house is being painted, Stefan agreed to let me start moving my non-essentials over to his place.  So far I've moved my books and DVD's.  I figure if we slowly move stuff over the next 3 months, the final move in won't be too bad...plus, less clutter = easier to sell condo!!

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