Sunday, December 20, 2015

Life, Bachelorette Parties, and recovering

Work and life were keeping me pretty busy as Stefan and I got closer to our wedding.  For a week at work, I spent 2 hours every morning making popcorn:

To add stress to life, my cars check engine light turned on.  I got to spend part of my time in the dealership getting the car fixed...but, I got to see another popcorn machine!

As we got closer to the wedding, Alex was a huge help with getting thank you notes labeled:

I got my hair trimmed:

And then it was bachlorette party time.  I asked my Matron of Honor, Mitch, to just have a dinner (for my non-drinking friends) at the harry buffalow, and then a costume drinking party at the West End Tavern afterwards (I was a firefighter).  My favorite part of the night:  The Bride PIMP cup that Mitch bought me.  My favorite friend that showed up?  ALL OF THEM!!

Stefan had his Bachelor party the same evening.  Being in our 30's we were both home before 1am (I was home by midnight).  We spent the next morning recovering with delicious food from Bob Evans

We are both so thankful for such awesome friends!!

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