Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Single Again, but Busy as Ever!

After about a month of dating Marlon and I broke up.  Sad, right?  I had made him an awesome blanket

And pretty sweet card (get it?  Sweet?! HA!)

But he kept canceling our dates.  When I realized he wasn’t really into this relationship, I decided to cut my losses and break up.  I’ve had a relationship where I stayed when he really wasn’t that into me.  I’d rather not waste my time.

So, back to being single!

Last weekend was super busy.  I had planned to go to amanda’s baby shower, but completely overslept.  After that was cookies at Mitch and Dom’s house, but sadly, mitch was sick, so I just stayed home and relaxed all day.

Monday, I had an eye appointment in the morning (200 bucks for contacts?!  Ouch), then grocery shopping.  After I put all of my groceries away, it was off to my first dental exam at Advanced Dental Care They were AH-MAZING!  They gave me a water bottle, and chapstick just for coming in.  Each room had a TV in it, so you could watch whatever while getting your teeth cleaned.  The first visit exam/x-rays are free of charge (although they would have been with insurance anyway), so if anyone is looking for a GREAT dental experience check these guys out!

Tuesday was a bit more laid back.  I went to see looper.  It had got really good reviews, so I had high expectations for it.  It was good, but not great.  I don’t think I’d go see it again, but, it was worth seeing once.

After the movie I want to get my hair cut at Charles Scott  because I had a 10 dollar off coupon.

I think it turned out cute!  Today I had a general check up with my doctor, but nothing special to announce, other than I LOVE this Doctor as much as I loved my dentist.  No TV’s in the rooms, but GREAT service.  The doctor really listened to my questions and concerns.  He said my bp was a bit high, but if I lose weight that should remedy it…so back to atkins for me!

And that's it!  Hopefully next week will be a lot slower.  I'm only 1 level away from getting my main World of warcraft character to end level, so that will be my goal next week

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