Friday, December 13, 2013

Corona Cupcakes

I figured that since KW is now a "30-something" adult, he deserves adult cupcakes for his birthday.  I found a great recipie for Corona cupcakes here:

I got home from work around 11 pm, and was up till 1 am making these tasty cupcakes.  The picture below is of the rejects that didn't make it to KW's house (I forgot to get a pic of the pretty ones):
The recipe required "zesting" a lemon.  Since I don't have a grater, I scrapped a serrated knife along a lime...and managed to zest my finger.  I  made sure to scrub the knife, and my hand and band-aide up before I continued cooking:

Long story short, the cupcakes turned out really delicious and I look forward to making them again!

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