Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bucket List

Hopefully I'll be coming back to this to update it as life changes:

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
Go see a Broadway play
Take a vacation out of the country
Go to Burning Man
Try crab legs (Done! 1/2011)
Learn to ride a motorcycle (Done! 5/8/2011)
Get a kiss under mistletoe
Learn archery
Go canoeing...I've been, but I want to go again sometime soon
Ride in a hot air balloon
Go crabbing
Go on a helicopter ride
Ride a mechanical bull
See Stonehenge, United Kingdom
The Louvre in Paris, France
Go to the Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas
Visit Ireland
Watch a meteor shower (Done! 5/24/2014 Camelopardalids at observation park)
Go on a Cruise
Receive flowers for no reason (Done 3/3/13)
build a house out of sugar cube
Do volunteer work for at least a month
Watch the movies Casa Blanca and Gone with the Wind.
Climb a water tower

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