Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thanksgiving and Winter Break Goals

The night before thanksgiving I talked my new friends Dani and Tricia to going to Manja to play foosball.  We had a BLAST!  Dani and I met in class.  We had a group paper, and Dani really kept us all on track AND was the BEST editor ever!!!

Manja's bathroom had some cool signs

Thanksgiving was great.  It was KW, Dom, Mitch, and Mitch's Mom, Dad and Brother.  Everyone brought lots of food.

The 4 mile drive home after dinner was TERRIFYING!  The ground was clear when I came to thanksgiving and within 3 hours there was at least 2 inches of snow on the ground.  I tried to take a selfie when I got home, but it didn't turn out great.

Here's a better picture of how bad it was coming down

The semester is FINALLY over!  I have huge plans for the month off.  I'll still be working part time at the OPL, and will start my internship a bit early at Strongsville, but when I'm not working/interning, my goals are:

1.  Complete Homemade Christmas Presents

2.  Complete Assassins Creed 2 (maybe start 3?)

3.  Read at least 4 books

4.  Watch (at least) two seasons of Dexter

I am SO excited for this well deserved break from school.  I'll be going home for Christmas.  I'm really excited to have a Christmas with my little nieces and nephews!!!