Sunday, August 23, 2015

8 Monthaversary and Zoo Time!

For our 8 month anniversary, Stefan purchased one of my (our?) favorite movies, and wrote me a sweet note <3

I, not to be out done, made him an 8 monthaversary pizza and picked up a Reeses that informed him that he is my fave <3

A few days later, stefan planned a really sweet and fun date to the zoo.  We saw flamingos  (behind us)

and Stefan met a monkey:

We went to the rainforest and saw pretty trees:

And while Stefan tried to save a rainforest worker, I posed prettily by a plant:

We saw some sad statistics about rainforests:

but it wasn't so sad that it stoped us from riding frogs!

And talking to turtles:

We saw a duct tape elephant:

and a giant LLbean boot car:

And Stefan bravely posed with a bear!!

Don't worry...we took time to stop and smell the flowers:

After the zoo, it was time for church.  We drove all the way to St. Raphael's before realizing they were dedicating the new was standing room only.  We snapped a pic and then went back to St. Brendons for saturday afternoon mass:

After Mass, Stefan treated me to an AMAZING dinner at Carrabba's.  He had spaghetti and sausage and I had a chicken caesar salad.  "Don't let me forget to take pictures for the blog", I mentioned while we were waiting for our waiter...We both forgot, but, being the diligent blogger that I am, I took pictures after the fact...although we were both sad we forgot to take food pics :(

Only 75 more days till the wedding!!!!  GET EXCITED!