Monday, September 28, 2015

September blog

Oh boy did I procrastinate writing this blog.  Let's see what's happened in the past month:

Stefan got all of his paper invitations mailed out (I did mine electronically):

We bought our wedding rings (mine is plain gold, his is tungsten):
My bridesmaids and I put together wedding favors for the tables:

I got a clevenet library card
I'm still engaged to this handsome guy:
And I love him enough to share my bacon:
We still go on dates.  My favorite resturant is Carraba's in Westlake.  It's so fast and BEYOND good!

I had my wedding dress altered at some weird hippy building with weird hippy art:
I still go to work and the view is still beautiful:

Stefan recently cooked me bacon wrapped porkchops and green beans.  It was HANDS DOWN the best meal I've had all month. 
For Stefan's brother birthday, I wrapped a giftcard in this huge red box:

We celebrated Mike's bday with dinner at the cheesecake factory and then a rousing game of monopoly (which Mike won):

Phew!  Ok that's it!  This upcoming Saturday is my bridal shower, so, yay for that.  Hopefully it won't take a full month to blog again.

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