Friday, December 7, 2012

Life update

I realized I haven't blogged in quite a while so here's a quick update blog:

Not much has happened since the last blog

Seriously, not much new has happened.  Manders (see the sushi rock blog) had her baby on November 30th (almost 2 weeks early)!  Yay (other peoples) babies!!

The crew (mitch, dom and KW) and I went to see Lincoln last weekend.  I was a bit disappointed   I thought it was all about lincoln, but it was only about the part of his life where he got the 13th amendment ratified.  Damn you politics!!!  I just don't care!  Maybe if I had gone into the movie knowing that's what was going to happen I would have liked it better.

The next day I went to see The collection, which is a scary movie by the director of the saw movies.  It was better.  Nice and gory, just the way I like a horror film.  This one I would recommend, but expect a stupid ending.  If you know that going in (which I did thanks to brother Joel), you will enjoy it!

I'm leaving for Utah, then Vegas in 2 or 3 days to celebrate my 30th birthday!!!  Hopefully I'll have a blog full of pictures when I get back, or, as I'm on the trip!

Other than that the most exciting thing is I've been trying (fairly unsuccessfully to wear eyeliner):

Keep an eye out for awesome vegas pics upcoming!

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