Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2 weeks, 1 blog

I forgot to blog last week, so you get 2 weeks in 1 blog!!  Lets start with 2 weeks ago.  2 weeks go started off wonderfully.  I met up with Rich and we went to china renascence for dinner.  Being the chivalrous guy that he his, he paid for dinner, which was super yum!

The next day Rich had work so I made him a card and left it on his door as a fun little surprise when he got home:

Then it was off to more mundane chores like getting gas (it was almost under 3 dollars!!!)

And putting in an application for a passport.  It's all done, now I just need to wait 4-8 weeks!

The next weekend (or, last weekend) was more eventful.  On Monday I went over Rich's house for dinner.  He made pork chops and I made cheesy mashed cauliflower.  I washed my hands before handling food, and didn't see a towel so I wiped my hands on Rich, but also kissed him so he didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late lol.  Thank goodness he was a good sport about it:

Dinner was SO delish, I was half done before I remembered to take a picture!

Yesterday, Tuesday, was my chores day again.  I did laundry and lots of cooking.  I cooked up some acorn squash (it was edible!  Quite the accomplishment!):

 and then roasted the seeds:

Turns out if you leave the seeds in too long they start popping and exploding and get ALL OVER THE OVEN!!!

It was one of those "where do I even start" problems.  Sigh.  Note to self, no more roasting acorn squash seeds.

I'm introducing Rich to my friends next weekend.  I'm excited!  Hopefully they'll love him as much as I do.  I imagine they'll love him...he's basically me in boy form.

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