Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

In the ongoing "creepy things in the elevator at 10:30 pm" saga, I saw this monstrosity Thursday night:

Saturday after work, I hopped in my car and made the 8 hour trek home to Philly.  I made sure I got enough sleep the night before and had a really interesting book on tape to keep me awake.  I was home by 6am, gave hugs to the parents and promptly fell asleep for 5 hours.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and chocolate chip waffles.  Joel and Kate had made me breakfast!!

It was so yum!  It left everyone smiling big ol' waffle smiles (except me...I ate too much waffle to have a smile left):

I brought home Cleveland Browns shirts (get it?  Because our last name is Brown?!) and Joel and Kate were kind enough to model for me:

We played vidya games for a while, then went out to the cheesecake factory for dinner.  There was a 59 minute wait, so we wandered around the King of Prussia mall for a bit.  Joel found a big photo booth so he splurged and bought pictures for himself, Kate and I.  The BEST part of the pictures was the fact that Joel's shirt was the same color as the screen!


Skip forward 50 minutes and we were finally seated.  The food was almost as good as the people I shared it with.  There was lots of laughs and even more cheesecake!!  So good!  Extra Love to Joel for treating us!  When we got home I was still pretty tired so I went to bed shortly thereafter...but not before Playing a quick 4 hands of Rummikub with Mom Dad and Joel.  Joel won twice and I won twice.  Isn't that sweet of the parents to let us win?!

On monday, Dad treated us all (Mom, Dad, Joel, Kate any myself) to dinner and a movie.  We went to see Despicable Me 2.  The BEST  part of the movie was how hard dad laughed at the minions.  I don't think I've heard dad laugh that hard in a while!

After the movie, dad once again treated us all to Burger King.  Did you know BK has sweet potato fries?  As you can tell from previous blogs, I LOVE anything and everything sweet potato!  They were soooooo super yum!!

In the evening dad made homemade pasta (with homemade red and rose sauces), while Joel bought some sweet corn to compliment the meal.  Grandma, Grandpa, Joel, Kate, Mom, Dad and Aunt Gerri all showed up!  It was so much fun, and, once again, SO GOOD!  Afterwards Dad went over to the grandparents house to hang shelves, while Joel, Kate, Grandma and I all played Rummikub.  Once again, Joel beat everyone 3 times before giving up his seat to cousin Kourtney, who proceeded to beat us.

As the evening wore on, Joel convinced Dad, Kate and myself to play Monopoly.  Turns out this is his favorite game, which is funny because it is officially my least favorite game.  I found myself in Jail before even making it around the board once!  Stupid game.  Long story short, Kate ended up beating us all by quietly amassing a fortune.

I spent the rest of the night doing laundry (yes, I'm 30 and still bring my laundry home) and raiding the parent's food storage.  It was with heavy heart that I left to go back to Ohio the next morning.  My biggest regret is not getting a few pics of mom and dad.  How did I end up with a plethora of pictures of Joel and Kate but none of my parents?!

Oh well...Here's a video of me yelling at Joel to play the guitar:

It was one of the best visits home!!  So much fun crammed into just a few days!


  1. We were so glad that you were able to make it for a short trip. We did do some fun things! Love you.
