Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Overtime makes me lame

Over the next few weeks I'm working an inordinate amount of overtime, so these blogs are going to be super duper lame.  And short (you're welcome Joel).

This weekend, only 2 fun things happened.  The first is that I was accepted into Kent State Universities MLIS graduate program!!!!  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  YAY!!!  It was 90% Mitch, who edited everything before I submitted it.  Seriously, she edited a resume, biographical sketch, and statement of career goals!  So huge props to Mitch.

Monday I tried a Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff recipe from my sister-in-law.  It was ok, but not great.  I guess I like red meat in my stroganoffs:

Tuesday, I worked a full day of overtime, but was done by 6:30, so I went to see RIPD after work.  It was pretty good!  Not great, but not bad either.  A good movie.  The acting, though, was phenomenal!!

So that's it for this weekend.  Next weekend I'm working a couple of third shifts, which will have me sleeping all day after working all night, so I thoroughly expect nothing to happen.

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