Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2 weeks worth of blogs, rolled into 1

Sunday, June 30, was the beginning of my first week (after almost a month!) of 3 day weekends again.  I was finally all done working overtime, or, done for a couple of weeks at least!  I decided to splurge and drive to Columbus for some shopping, and some relaxing driving time:

I went to an outlet store called DFWH or Discount Fashion Warehouse.  They have a TON of plus size outfits for SO super cheap.  Any plus size diva knows that clothing can be super expensive, and, not always your style.  DFWH had a lot of different styles ranging in size from 0 - 30 plus. 

The drive down was a bit rainy and dreary, but the drive home was ALL sunshine!
I then spend the rest of my weekend hunkered down to watch all six 90 min episodes of Sherlock   Totally worth it.  It is a great show!  My only qualm is that there are only 6 episodes!

This last week was the 4th of July.  I got all snazzied up, 

and then drove downtown with Rich to see the fireworks.  We were just watching from the parking garage attached to work.  My camera did NOT want to take good pictures, so here's a horrible firework and blurry street lamps:

and here is Rich watching fireworks:

Since the 4th of July fell on a Thursday, my company gave everyone off of work Friday too!  I spent Friday, the 5th of July hanging out with Mitch and Dom and KW.  We went out to a chinese buffet, then, came back and played scrabble.

Mitch was saying that she could turn ice cream into "soft serve" ice cream just by mixing it.  KW and I called shenanigans, so, she bought ice cream, churned it up by hand and made a surprisingly good softserve ice cream! 

On Monday I went to get some sweet potatoes (to make sweet potato fries/chips) and there was a car ALMOST over the over pass.  One of my biggest fears is being blown over an overpass, so this was quite a shock!

I managed to buy sweet potatoes and make it home relatively unscathed.  I spent the next hour or so baking up some yummy sweet potato fries/chips.  You are suppose to peel the sweet potatoes, but, because I like the taste of the skin, and don't have a potato peeler, I left them on, then tossed the cut up sweet potatoes in a little oil and garlic salt and put them in the oven at 400 for 20 minutes.  Here's the before:

and the delicious after:

I also managed to get thru a season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer this weekend  (read "wasted 16 hours").

That's it!  No big plans upcoming (as of right now), so if you have any fun ideas for next weekend, leave them in the comments!


  1. Boy, I hope you're not living too far in the future! I think in your first paragraph you meant June 30 not July since we're not at the end of July yet. Sounds like you're having fun. I loved your July 4 outfit, but go back and look at the picture. I thought you had on a witches hat! Love you.

    1. Oh my goodness. Yup, I fixed the first paragraph to the correct month. I should have you proof read these before I publish them! Good catch!

      Lol. Only you would notice the "witches hat" dad! LOL. I do kinda see it though.
