Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Short but sweet

This weekend wasn't the most productive.  It started out good, though.  Sunday, I me tup with friends for brunch at Juji's.  I'm starting to become a Juji's addict.  It's cheap and the food is really good!

I picked up Sarp and we metup with Leeann and Sam.  It was to celebrate Leeann's new job on the westside!  YAY LEEANN!  It was an hour + of fun and talking!

On the way home from dropping Sarp off, I saw the GREATEST thing ever.  It still makes me smile when I see it.

The rest of the weekend was spent catching up on TV shows, watching movies and trying out new makeup.  The movie I watched this weekend was Joss Weadon's Much Ado About Nothing:

If you like Shakespeare, you'll love it.  It was an all star cast!  Everyone from Nathan fillian to Fran Katz (who will alway be topher from dollhouse to me).  2 big thumbs up!!

I also bought a new eyeliner pencil from L'Oriel called Voluminous Smoldering Eyeliner.  I usually use the automatic pencils for eyeliner because you can get a nice thin line, but this has to be my new favorite eyeliner.  The way it looks under the eye is beyond compare, and the thick, dark above eye line is super sexy!

No big plans for next weekend...yet!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yankee Peddler 2013

KW goes to the Yankee Peddler Festival every year, and this year he invited Mitch and me along.  Below is a map of the fairgrounds:

Yankee Peddler is an arts and crafts festival set in the woods of Akron.  There was everything imaginable, from a butterfly tent (icky!) to a guy who made pewter figurines!  By the time I arrived, Mitch and KW had already purchased a bottle opener shaped like a horse:

and a cutting board:

Mitch also got a pewter T-Rex for her hubby, but I forgot to take a picture :(  There was a candle stand that sold all sorts of interesting smelling candles.  There was a bacon candle, that smelled A LOT like bacon.  KW bought one candle and I bought 3.

My only regret is not buying more!  They smell SO good and make the house smell great too!  I bought pumpkin cheesecake, toes in the sand (it smells like summer) and huckleberry.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful.  I went grocery shopping, and, to my surprise I saw tastykakes on display at Wal*mart!!  My hometown sweets are going nationwide!

I also bought some fancy makeup from Macy's.  I really want to be one of those ladies who can wear red lipstick.  I LOVE red lipstick, but always worry it'll make me look too hookerish, so I'm always to scared to wear it.  I tried wearing pigtails to help tone down the red lipstick:

Leeann got a new job, so we'll be celebrating next Sunday with Sam and Sarp (hopefully, he hasn't confirmed yet).  YAY LEEANN!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Spray Tans, Cookouts and Repairin' Like a Boss

Sunday morning I woke up early to head over to Neon Beach Tanning to get a spray tan (courtesy of a great deal from groupon).  I had a great spray tan experience with my sister-in-law back in December, so I thought I'd give it a try again.  I used the Pura spray tan booth.  Honestly, it wasn't bad, and after a day, it turned out pretty good!

Afterward I headed over to KW house for a BBQ!  I brought lemon squares and chips, KW provided the burgers and hot dogs and buns and Michelle brought drinks, Dom, was, alas and alack, home sick.  The best part (after the yummy hot dogs/burgers) was Michelle's Marry Poppins alcohol bag.

Michelle came over with a bag of drinks.  She just kept pulling more and more and MORE out of it.  There was vodka and sodas (of all shapes and sizes).  It was amazing to see!

Do you see all of that ^ ???!!!!  That was all in 1 little bag. I sometimes secretly thing Mitch is a wizard who enjoys surprising us muggles.

When I got home I was sitting on the toilet (with the seat down), doing makeup when CRACK!  I looked down and the seat had cracked!

I made a quick trip to walmart (YAY for 24 hour walmarts!!) and bought a new toilet seat.

This was my first major home project...and it was icky.  SO icky!  I finally got everything unscrewed, then rescrewed...then spent the next 30 min washing my hands.  The toilet seat is the wrong color.  It's white, while the toilet is off white.  I was so tired and grossed out by the end, I didn't even care.  It's staying as is for the foreseeable future.

I got pretty sick on Monday, so I canceled plans with KW and spent mon/tue recovering.

Next weekend I'm going to try and hang out with Sarp.  I realized we haven't hung out since January!  Unacceptable!