Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yankee Peddler 2013

KW goes to the Yankee Peddler Festival every year, and this year he invited Mitch and me along.  Below is a map of the fairgrounds:

Yankee Peddler is an arts and crafts festival set in the woods of Akron.  There was everything imaginable, from a butterfly tent (icky!) to a guy who made pewter figurines!  By the time I arrived, Mitch and KW had already purchased a bottle opener shaped like a horse:

and a cutting board:

Mitch also got a pewter T-Rex for her hubby, but I forgot to take a picture :(  There was a candle stand that sold all sorts of interesting smelling candles.  There was a bacon candle, that smelled A LOT like bacon.  KW bought one candle and I bought 3.

My only regret is not buying more!  They smell SO good and make the house smell great too!  I bought pumpkin cheesecake, toes in the sand (it smells like summer) and huckleberry.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful.  I went grocery shopping, and, to my surprise I saw tastykakes on display at Wal*mart!!  My hometown sweets are going nationwide!

I also bought some fancy makeup from Macy's.  I really want to be one of those ladies who can wear red lipstick.  I LOVE red lipstick, but always worry it'll make me look too hookerish, so I'm always to scared to wear it.  I tried wearing pigtails to help tone down the red lipstick:

Leeann got a new job, so we'll be celebrating next Sunday with Sam and Sarp (hopefully, he hasn't confirmed yet).  YAY LEEANN!


  1. So why didn't you buy one of the bacon candles? i really like your new make up. You always look wonderful.

    1. If my house smells like bacon, I want it to be because I cooked bacon!

      Awww, thanks dad! Turns out I CAN get away with red lipstick!
