Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Baking, Birthdays and Bunnies

The weekend started off with an Indian buffet at Tadka with Mitch, Dom and KW.  Considering I haven't had Indian food for a while, I was beyond surprised with how spicy it was.  I was tearing up quite a bit, but, on the upside, the food was mighty delish!

That evening I setup to make Overnight Oats.  I was so excited to wake up to hot and ready oatmeal the next morning.  Sadly, I woke up to a slimy, grossness that had managed to partially burn onto my crockpot.  I ate one bowl, and, it was edible, but it was so gross I had to throw the rest out!

I then walked over to the eyeglass store and made an appointment to get an eye exam and new glasses the next day.  I walked home and then cooked a ham, and vigorously scrubbed my crockpot, in preparation for my Crockpot Ham and Bean Soup.  I was NOT disappointed with this recipe.  It turned out SOOO good.  My only regret is that it didn't make more!

Tuesday I got my eye exam and ordered new glasses (which should be here in a week or so).  While I was in the eye dr.'s waiting room, I received a message from KW:

i want to do something awesome to Mitch's desk for her birthday and you are the birthday decorating pro

How could I say no to that?!  So I drove into Cleveland, and hit in my car until Mitch left for the day.  I had to hide for an extra half hour because she got stuck on a call at work.  It was cold, but totally worth it!

KW came up with this funny phrase:

And this one too!  He was on a roll!!

As we were leaving I saw a giant bunny outside of the office, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to give it smooches.

Overall it was a pretty great weekend and I got a lot accomplished.  Next weekend is going to be more cooking in prep for thanksgiving, which is at KW's house this year.


  1. I bet Mitch was surprised by that unbelievable birthday desk!

    1. She was!! I'm glad KW included me in "birthday desk shenanigans!"

  2. You guys did an awesome job on Michelle's desk! What great friends! :)

    1. Aww thanks ash! Belated congrats on the engagment and setting a date!!
