Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cooking gone wrong...then right.

On Sunday I was cutting potatoes for oven roasted potatoes, when my blood thirsty knife decided to attack me!!  It cut my ring finger and the nail on my pinkie finger.  The pics are a little gross, so don't click this link unless your ready for some fingernail cuts:


It hurt so bad.  I went thru 5 baindaids trying to get the bleeding to stop, but finally got them cleaned up and bandaged:

It is now 2 days later, and thanks to some antibacterial ointment the cuts are healing well, but still hurt really bad :(

The potatoes turned out good, but I was so shaken I forgot to take pics.  The other thing I made was french bread.  I really wanted tuna melts, but didn't have any bread.  This was the first time I got to use my dough hook!!

 I forgot to take pics of the loaves themselves, but the tuna melts turned out so yummy!

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