Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dishes, Valentines Day, Downton Abbey, and a New Computer

This week I did a bunch of cooking.  My rule of thumb with cooking is to do the dishes as soon as possible.  As the dishes were soaking, I thought "Uggh, I hate dishes and there are so many, AND my drying rack is full of wet things I don't want to dry. "

Then it hit me!  I have a dishwasher!  I rarely use it because as a single gal, it's just quicker to manually wash a plate or spoon here or there, but for once I was BEYOND thankful for modern appliances!

Friday last was Valentines day.  Since I didn't have a beau, I made lollypop superhero valentines for my friends.  I stole the idea from dad (see 2 blogs ago), who, I think, stole the idea from Pintrest.

On valentines day eve I baby sat for Jared and Chel.  While I was playing toys with the kids I saw a toy I remember from my childhood.  The toy cash register was always super fun to play with, but I think it thrown out when toddler Joel fell face first onto its corner (which isn't even sharp!!) and cut open his face.  Classic Joel.

I made a deal with KW that if he watched Doctor Who (arguably one of the best shows ever), I would watch Downton Abbey.  Honestly, I didn't think he would...Wrong!  I had been putting off watching D.A. for a while.  It looks so dumb.  People in old timey clothes talking and such.  Blech.  Wrong again.  I watched Season 1-3 last weekend and fell head over heals in love!

This also meant that I bailed on hanging out with my friends on saturday because I was devistated over the loss of a main character.  I'm still pretty heartbroken.  Speaking of broken.  My computer did this on Sunday:

This has been happening for a week or 2 now, so I didn't think anything of it...until 2 hours later when it couldn't recover anything!!  A few hours later and most of my tax refund gone, I got this baby (stats here):

The screen is about 2 inches smaller than my last computer, but that's not even noticable.  I'm liking it so far, although windows 8 is a bit of adjustment.  

The next few weeks might be small/no blogs.  I started up 2 new courses as of monday and they are kicking my butt already!

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