Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friends, Doctors and Slasher Flicks!

This weekend was nice and relaxing.

I woke up early and got all fancied up for a day with friends I hadn't seen in a while:

It started out with a girls breakfast on Sunday with my friend Leeann (sorry about the quality) at Juji's Cafe in downtown Cleveland.  The food was cheap, yet plentiful and tasty!

Next we went over Sam's house for one of his infamous cocktails.  For the past few months I've been hearing Sam rave about his massive liquor collection and all of the fancy cocktails he could make.  Turns out it wasn't all bluster, and his drinks were surprisingly delish!  It was all done in moderation as Leeann had other things to do, and I had to be sober to drive home.

Monday I had one of my last (hopefully last) doctors appointments (reason for dr. appointments to follow in a later blog).  I've been going to the Cleveland Clinic main campus.  It is, hands down, the most beautiful hospital I've ever been to.  The tunnel between the parking garage and the main hospital is filled with soft lights that change color and relaxing music.  Prettiest hospital ever!  I almost want to be a doctor so I can spend every day there!

Tuesday was chore day.  I slept in, did laundry, did absolutely NO cooking.  It was nice.  I also watched a movie called "No One Lives".  If you like slasher flicks, this is for you!  It was really good (as slasher flicks go).  Gory, but still had a solid plot line.  9 our 10 machetes!

A big shout out to my favorite baby brother Joel, who's turning 23 on Friday!  Where does the time go?  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEL!

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