Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oh, Canada!

Leeann and I decided to take a girls day trip to Canada   It was so much fun!  The drive there was pretty quick.  As I was merging over into the lane to get to Canada  Leeann yelled "OH MY GOSH!" So of course I assumed I was about to merge into someone.  My heart leapt into my chest and I started frantically looking around for the car I was about to hit...when suddenly Leeann said "WE'RE ALMOST TO CANADA!!"  It took a few minutes from the terror adrenaline rush to wear off

When we were waiting in line to cross the boarder, Leeann and I were yelling.  CANADA!!!  CAN-A-DA!!  CAN-A-DA!!  We were beyond excited!!

So Close!!

We had no trouble getting in.  They asked us where we were going and then said "Welcome to Canada".

Our first adventure was to go to the famous Tim Horton's.  We got COMPLETELY lost, but, eventually found one.  This is about when Leeann started saying "Ay" at the end of sentences and cracking both of us up!

At Tim Hortons, Leeann got a breakfast sandwich, Coffee, and a doughnut:

While I got a B.L.T with a soda:

Our second adventure was outlet shopping at the Windsor Crossing outlet mall.  A lot of the stores were busts, either too expensive, or the styles weren't super cute.  We were about to leave empty handed when we found Ardene.  It was a huge store with EVERYTHING!  Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry  Scarves, Socks, and on and on.

We must have been in there for an hour or 2.  There was so much to see and buy!  I bought some socks, and hair stuff:

Leeann also bought socks, and leggings.  Yay for outlet shopping!!  Our last adventure of the day was to visit the Caesars Windsor Casino.  We used the money changers to switch our American money for crazy Canadian coinage:

We played the slots, and lost.  Leeann and I must have played at 25 different machines.  We would play for about a min, get board and wander off to a new machine.

There was some beautiful artwork that Leeann tossed up in the air:

Along with beautiful artwork, they also had old timey phones!!

Before we headed home, we went to the casino buffet.  It was SO good.  We were both super stuffed by the end.  There was food:

And more food:

And a customize your own pasta bar, where they made custom pasta's for you!  I got a chicken/bacon/sun dried tomato/carmalized onion/alfredo sauce/farfalle pasta:

While Leeann got carmalized onions/bacon/chicken/mushrooms?/meat sauce/spaghetti:

As we were traveling home, we stopped off at the duty free store to change our Canadian money into american moola.  They had a throne there, so, picture time!!

The boarder crossing back into America was a bit more strict.  They took a picture of us as we were driving up to the boarder, then, a GORGEOUS man asked us some questions before letting us back into the good ol' US of A.  I mean, he was so handsome.  Leeann and I probably spent the next hour talking about how handsome he was (so super duper handsome!)

The rest of the weekend was pale in comparison.  I made scotch eggs again, AND they didn't break, like they did last time!!

I also saw the movie Don Jon.  It was only ok.  The funniest part was that the movie theater ushers kept walking in and making sure no one was getting up to shenanigans (because it was a risque movie, I guess?)  Over all a 4 out of 10 for me.  Would not recommend, although, Joseph Grodon-Levitt was so handsome in it (which is why it got 4 instead of 1 out of 10).