Friday, January 23, 2015

Dating, Buttons, Internship and Music

Shortly after returning from Philly, Stefan took me out to Deweys Pizza in Lakewood.  I got the BEST salad, and he got a bacon pizza (yum)!  We had a great time laughing and getting to know each other better.  He's a pretty cool guy!

Do you remember my blog from last month when I spent part of my birthday sewing a button on my coat.  A few weeks later a DIFFERENT button fell off.  I so dislike sewing buttons :(

 Between dates, with the awesome Stefan, work, school and my internship I've been crazy busy and slightly stressed out.  Thank goodness my internship is so much fun!  Last week I attended a science parfait class.  It was fun and informative!

On Tuesday of this week, Stefan invited me to go hear his swing band, Swing City, play at Vosh Night club.

It was AMAZING!   He, of course, looked super cute in a suit:

 The band had two singers, a male and a female (please note sexy Stefan in the back of all of the pictures)

 Stefan used all sorts of different mutes for his trombone.  My favorite was this behemoth:

 And he looked all around handsome:

Fox 8 News showed up and recorded the gig:

I even got a couple of clips of the band, and the people dancing to their music!

 Overall it was a pretty spectacular night!  I talked my friend Amanda into coming to their February gig!

Last thing, I was thinking about scrapping the red lipstick look.  What do you think fellow blog readers?


  1. Did you tell Stefan you come from a family of trombonists? Also, I like the red lipstick, but I think going without might make for a nice change.

    1. Lol I did tell him that. Maybe I'll bring him out to visit and you can play a trombone duet with him!!

  2. Oh, and is it Stefan or Stephan? You used both.

    1. Good catch potato!!! Thanks. He's Stefan...although my brain can't quite comprehend that and likes to type Stephan. Thanks!!!!!

    2. You are beautiful no matter what lipstick color you use.
