Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Adventure of Dating

For the last week I've embarked upon the adventure of dating.  Anyone who has dated will remember quite fondly what an adventure it is!

While I have an OKCupid profile, and a The Big and The Beautiful profile, neither have really netted any results.

Occasionally I'll post on craigslist as an ego boost.  What I tend to do is post an ad for 3-5 hours, rake in a bunch of compliments and creepy responses, and then delete the ad.  The creepiest response was:

Hi there, I'm a 51 year old hairy romantic Italian male who would love to welcome you to cleveland with a nice nude massage and bubble bath, Interested ?

Which, honestly, isn't too bad considering it was craigslist.  In case you are wondering I did not respond to this email, nor do I ever plan on responding.

Anyway, one guy responded with a lot of pictures and an honest/sincere email.  Since he was so different from the pack, I decided to email him back.  We emailed each other for a bit and then started texting.  After a day of back and forth texting we decided to meet up at Ruby Tuesdays for dinner.
Not only was the guy punctual, but he was early!  +1 points for him.  He insisted on opening doors (+1) and paying for dinner (+1).  He was funny (+1), polite (+1), charming (+1), and asked lots of in depth questions about me (+1).  After 2 hours of talking and flirting the waitress at Ruby Tuesdays hinted that it was time for us to leave.

At the end of the date, he was nothing if not a perfect gentleman.  He hugged me and said he would really like to see me again.  I, being the cool cat that I am, nodded energetically and said "yes!  YES!  Me too!  A lot!!"

Within an hour of the end of our date we were texting back and forth again.  In the week since our first date, we have had 3 more dates.  All of them have left me smiling, giddy as a school girl!  Again, I felt like he was honest and sincere about everything (nothing like this:)

It has been so long (1 year) since I've been on a date, let alone a great date (3-5 years) that I had forgotten how much fun it is!  Meeting and experiencing new people truly is one of the most fun adventures out there!

Am I sure this is going to last forever? No, I'm not sure of anything, except I am sure that I will enjoy the adventure, wherever it may take me.

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