Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Cleveland Zoo

Today the crew (Mitch, Dom and KW) and I went to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.  I had been waiting all week on pins and needles to go!  I was not disappointed!

One of the first things Dom noticed when we walked in was this sign:

I guess Iron Man supports the zoo.

Next we went to the koala habitat and Mitch took my pictures.  The koala wouldn't turn around for us, but it was super cute and cuddly from the back!

There is an awesome little choochoo train that runs around part of the zoo.  I was super excited for it...until I saw it was 2 dollars.  We decided to save our 2 dollars a person and just walked around the area.

While we were walking around we came across a part of the zoo where we could pet little ponys (SQUEEE!!!)  Mitch was the only one cool enough to do it with me:

After walking around a bit we decided to take a tram up to the monkey/big cats area of the zoo.  Unlike the train, this ride was free.  While we were on  the tram (pretty filled with kids) KW said loudly that there was no santa claus.  He proceeded to say this randomly thoughout the day.

Some other things we saw where a couple of cuddling monkeys:

A bear who kept posing adorably for pictures:

and a firefox:

No, not that kinda of firefox, a red panda (also called a firefox)

We were all tired at the end of the day, but super happy to have seen so many cute animals!!


  1. Shame on you guys for the random comments about there being no Santa! We'll see what he brings you this Christmas!!!

  2. shame on us???? It was all kw. Mitch tried to shush him to no avail
