Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Cleveland Art Museum

My work recently gave me 4 free tickets to go see the Youth and Beauty exhibit at the Cleveland Art museum

It was interesting.  I might go back and read some more of the notes below each painting!  After the exhibit, we went to the free part of the cleveland art museum to view the rest of the art/sculptures/sarcophagi.  It was interesting, but again, everyone was getting tired so we decided to leave.

(Bye, bye art museum!!)

As we were on the way to the car I remembered that I needed pictures for my blog.  No one wanted to be in a picture, so I gave the camera to Mitch to take a picture for me:

Then she kept taking pictures.  She wouldn't stop!  She was like a paparazzi possessed!  I ended up in a fit of giggling while I tried to wrest the camera from her hands (she's stronger than she looks)

Mitch, being the best friend a girl could want, finally agreed to let me take a picture.  The moral of this picture is:  Don't wear stupid glasses or you may get punched by Mitch:

Next week, the gang and I are going to the cleveland zoo!!  I am hoping for a petting zoo.  Get psyched for animals!


  1. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with your friends. I'm so glad that you have good connections in Cleveland. I just wish you were a little closer to home! Love ya!

  2. Lol thanks dad! I'll be home in less than 3 weeks!!
