Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Brunch and Bugs

This weekend only 2 major things happened, so it's going to be a quick and dirty blog post.

Sunday Rich and I met up with his family at the 100th bomb group restaurant for a brunch buffet.  We were there to celebrate Rich's Mom and Dad's Birthday's and Anniversary.  Rich's sister and brother-in-law were there too!

It was AH-MAHZING!  The buffet had fruit and desserts and breakfast foods (eggs/sausage/bacon) and a chef who makes you omlets and waffles and SO MUCH DELISH!!  Not only was the food super good, but, once again, I found myself laughing until my sides and face hurt.  I am sure lucky to date a guy who was born into a family with such a great sense of humor!!

The only other thing that happened this weekend was I saw this guy (who was HUGE)

Good thing I'm not scared of spiders, cuz I squished him good.  So that's it.  Really fun Sunday, uneventful (sans spider) rest of the weekend.

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