Thursday, May 8, 2014

Girls Night, Board Gaming and the End of First Semester (Belated blog 1)

Oh boy, I'm really behind on blogging!  This blog will cover the weekend of April 26th.  It was a really busy week as I was finishing up up a huge paper for one class and studying for a big test for a different class.  I took a few hours to go hang out with my friends.  Honestly, I can't remember what we did.  I do remember the boys went to play video games over at KW's house, so Mitch and I had a girls night!

We got to talk about boys, our lives, and of course watched the obligatory chick flick:

A few days later, I met up with a board game meetup, a group of people that get together and play board games.  It was beyond fun.  We played splendor (I won the 2 games we played):

And crows (I came in dead a lot)

It was so much fun, and the guys were really patient with a board game noob.  They explained the games really well and were patent with all of the questions I asked.  Uber fun!

The rest of the week was spent studying and paper writing.  As I'm writing this, the semester has been over by about 1/2 a week.  I managed to eek out a 90% on the final test I took and got a 97% for that class.  The other class I'm waiting on the professor to grad the paper.  I'm currently at 98% for that class, but since this paper is 25% of the course grade, my final grade could change drastically.

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