Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pics from College (Belated Blog 2)

One thing I did to calm myself during the stress of the end of semester projects was to post old college pics on facebook.  I figured that since I had them, I might as well blog them.

This is from Halloween (2001?) from left to right Rachel, Shareen, Oklahoma (Andrea), Brooke and me, Jnet:

Here is a posed pic of myself and Rachel doing homework:

I'm not quite sure what's going on, but it must have been exciting if balloons were involved.  Brooke and Rachel are in the back, Shareen and I are in front:

A pic of all of us roomies at Brookes wedding:

According to Rachel on facebook, this pic was taking when I went home with her for thanksgiving.  I was really lucky to have roommates that would let me stay with their family for thanksgiving since it was too expensive to fly home to philly.  One year I stayed with Rachel, one year with Shareen!

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