Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dinner with Dad and Delightful Friends

While in Cleveland, dad took my friends and I out for Bob Evans!

We all met up around 8pm for dinner.  Mitch and Dom came right from work:

I don't know where KW came from, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was up to shenanigans:

And then there was dad and I:

Things we learned at dinner:  There are only 3 places in the good ol' US of A that have escrow closing (both parties do not have to sit down together for closing).  Can you guess what they are?  Cleveland, Los Angeles and somewhere in florida.

I also learned that KW is good at charming people.  My dad thinks he is a stand up guy.  Oh if he only knew!

I'm sad that this is the last full day I'll get to spend with my daddy.  We get tomorrow, but then I have work in the evening and he leaves on thursday to go camping with mom.  It's been a fun few days!


  1. It's been great having some time to spend with you!

  2. Woot! Thanks dad! It's been great having you around...even if you were tricked by KW!
