Friday, January 31, 2014

Cooking, Cold temps and Medicaid

I had a hankering for cake with light, delicious butter cream frosting to go along with my devils food cake (made with a box stolen from mom and dad).  I found this recipe that is toted as being the "Best ever"  Whipped Buttercream Frosting.  OH MY GOODNESS!  So true!  BEST EVER!  Mine turned out like so:

It was whipped and light and all around delicious!!  So, how could I mess this up you ask (because I ALWAYS find a way to mess up recipes the first go-around).  Welp, I couldn't wait and put it on a warm cake.  So, I got a melty frosting instead of a whipped delicious delight:

Over the last week or 2 ohio has been in the grips of a polar vortex.  Because I don't have insurance right now (explained later in blog), I've been overly careful and have been opting to drive to the library instead of walk and potentially get frostbite.

I dropped by walmart on one of these polar vortex days.  I was outside for less than a minute without gloves on, pushing my cart from the store to my car and this happened:

The picture does not do justice to how truly red my fingers were!

Now onto the mess that is medicaid.  I applied for medicad thru ohio back on december 11th of 2013.  A month and a half later I have yet to hear back from the medicaid office.  I have been calling every other day to check the status of my application (pending) for a month now.

Today I work up at 5am panicking about not having insurance.  I once again called the medicaid line and spoke to someone who said if I went to one of the medicaid sites with my Social Security card, drivers license, proof of residence then it might get pushed a long a little quicker.  I jumped in my car and raced over.  I gave them the documents which they scanned, then met with my caseworker.  Turns out that office only does food stamps (which I'm also in the process of getting) and the ohio medicaid is still a work in progress and they don't know when the applications will get processed.

Exhausted, near tears because of lack of sleep and wasted gas money, I called mom and dad and asked what to do.  They encouraged me to get short term life insurance until this gets straightened out.  I applied online today and will hopefully hear back in a day or 2.  It will be nice to have this weight off my shoulders!  Yay for having good, supportive, smart parents!

This weekend Mitch, Dom and I are meeting up at KW's house for a star wars marathon!  It's going to be awesomesauce!

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