Friday, September 12, 2014

Movies, Girls Brunch, Work and Jokes

Over the past couple of weeks I've been kept crazy busy with work, school and friends!  The one thing I cannot seem to let fall by the wayside is my addiction to moves.  In the past few weeks I've seen Guardians of the Galaxy twice and  Let's be Cops.  I can't help it!  The seats at the AMC Westwood are amazingly comfortable, and the prices are so reasonable!

I've been trying to go to the gym more often, and, to encourage myself, I've been taking cute selfies:

A patron made me this cute piece of artwork recently.  I don't feel too special as he makes similar pieces for all of the OPL librarians, but, it was really sweet!

A week or 2 ago, I met up with my lady friend Amber.  It was so nice to catch up!  I missed SO much in her life, as we hadn't seen each other in well over 6 months.  We met at Jack Flaps in Ohio City.  The food was PHENOMENAL!!  Amber got a PB&J french toast:

While I got eggs and bacon.  OH MY GOSH!  LOOK AT THAT BACON.  It was sooooo good. 

Finally, I saw a great joke on reddit so I texted it to Dad, which ended up devolving into a conversation in German. 

I'm so excited for next week.  I work for the next 4 days, but after that, I'm off for a whole week and will be spending said week in Philly with the family!  YAY for family reunions!

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