Monday, September 29, 2014

Philly Trip 2014 Days 5 and 6

Today was fairly uneventful.  We took a family picture.  It was a race against time.  You only have so much time to take successfully pictures before the youngest kids start squirming to run around.  As you can tell from mom and Joel's smiles, Henry was squirming right from the start.

Luckily we got a few good pictures:

right after family pictures I headed up to KOP to get dinner with my amazing friends Katie and Chris.  It was so much fun!  We talked, and laughed and caught up.

When I got home, Jeff, Ryan, Jaida and myself played ticket to ride:

It was really just Jaida vs myself, and in the end I managed to pull out a win!!

Before going to bed I forced Jaida to model with the bottle of Caladryl lotion that I'm pretty sure has been around since I was a child (at least 25 years old)

Day 6 was spent celebrating sushi-fest.  We went to an all you can eat buffet/sushi bar.  To say it was disappointing would be an understatement.  Still we got some good sibling pictures...

Right behind us, in the picture, is a fish pond.  Everyone had fun feeding the fisheys!

It was a solid ending to our family reunion!  2 random pictures left from day 6 are:

After spending every night girl-talking with my sister, I feel like we're closer than ever.  I had so much fun getting hugs and cuddles from my sweet nieces and nephews, and LOVED reconnecting with my brothers, sister-in-law Rachel, parents and extended family.  I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful, loving, all around AWESOME family!!  I miss them all already.


  1. It was so nice having everyone back at home!

    1. I'm not going to lie, you almost had me in tears when I had to leave. It was pretty special having the whole family together!
