Saturday, June 30, 2012

Magic Mike was magical!

Beth and I decided we were long overdue for a girls night.  We decided to do dinner and a movie.  The movie was Magic Mike.  We were going to go to the 7:50 showing but, sadly it was sold out.  While we waited for the 10:30 showing we went to the Cheesecake factory for dinner.

Beth got some fancy corn tortilla thing:

I got a cobb salad (my all time fav salad):

After dinner we went back to the movie theater:

A little about the movie we saw:  Magic Mike came out this weekend.  Basically it's Channing Tatum as a stripper.

It was SO much fun.  I would estimate that the full theater was 95% ladies.  There was cat calling, hooting and cheering all throughout the movie.  It was SO much fun!  Yay for ladies nights with good friends!