Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2 Weeks and a Whole Lotta Nothin'

After the big Philly vacation, I've been taking it easy the last couple of weeks.  Nothing big/special happened.  The first weekend after the Philly trip I literally stayed in all weekend and cleaned and relaxed and just enjoyed some quiet time.  This weekend was slightly more productive.

Saturday after work I went over to Mitch and Doms for grilled burger/chicken and drinks.  They had made skittles vodka of varying flavors:

Mitch and I drank some strawberry flavored skittles vodka mixed with mountain dew out of some epic cups:

Dom grilled us some burgers and bbq chicken which was DELISH!  Seriously super good.  Dom also made a fire in their fire pit to keep us warm.  All and all it was a really fun night...I even got tackled by Mitch (I don't remember why?)

Sunday was Mothers Day, so Rich spent the day with his family while I relaxed at home.  The most exciting thing to happen on sunday was I got a spam email from "Poopy Inferno"

Monday I went over to Rich's for dinner and hanging out.  I only stayed for a couple of hours, but it was nice to see him after not seeing him at all the weekend before!  I was so happy to see him, I forgot to take pictures!  Oh well, maybe next weekend.

Tonight I'm going to see the midnight premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness (and will hopefully convince Mitch to join me).  I LOVE midnight premieres!  That's when all of the hardcore fans come out!


  1. Mom and I also want to go to the Star Trek movie. We're hoping to go pretty soon. Looks exciting.

    1. I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know what Mitch and I thought of it!
