Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fairly uninteresting 2 weeks

The last 2 weeks have been fairly uninteresting.  I've been to Mitch and Doms 3 times for grillin/bbq's.  Out of those 3 times I managed to take 0 pictures.  So here's a stock photo of happy people grilling:

Last weekend Rich came over and tried out my new Kung Fu:  High Impact game for Xbox Kinect.  He did really good!!

After video games, we had chicken and pizza which Rich had brought (because he spoils me rotten)!

This weekend I didn't get a chance to hang out with Rich, but I did get to babysit.  It wasn't great.  The toddler cried for a whole hour.  She was tired, but wouldn't fall asleep!  Here's a creepy stool from the house I babysat at:

Did I mention I'm studying for the GRE's?  I took a practice test this weekend and BOMBED it.  The scores run from 130 to 170 for Math and same range for English   I need a 155 or better to be considered for the masters program I'm applying to.  What did I get?  A 146 in English and 148 in Math.  It said I was in the 26th percentile.  Yup, I did worse that 76/100 people.  Ouch.  Well, I better get to studying!!

1 comment:

  1. You know what they say: "practice makes perfect.". You'll do better and better....keep studying.
